Dated:- 11–01–21
Its been quite a while since I’ve written. It probably might have seem I’m dead but alas here I am…
Your “Dalgona coffee expert” from TikTok masterclasses right here! ☕
2020 was indeed a weird year. Can’t classify it in the category of dreadful and neither in wonderful.
De facto it was a year of lessons-the lessons which we forgot to learn in overly paced life.
Things came to a halt. The ones who were alone strived for companionship and the ones with everybody around them; were deep down still alone.
What did we do this year?
WE…we because we all were in it together.
The pandemic affected everybody likewise- wiping the demarcation of rich and poor, white and black, powerful and powerless — the exact same.
Weren’t these the differences which whilst not been aware we were so keen to keep?
Like, have you ever pondered over the fact that a being so little as a virus can bring such a mass scale destruction, not in a particular area but the entire WORLD.
So, does that arrogance of yours make any sense?
Had that money that you’ve got piled up in your accounts been any useful?
We could have been amongst those people who passed away but we survived. Does that not mean we are here for a greater purpose?
A purpose greater than selfishness and greed?
I wanted this to be a really light-hearted blog but these are the things which we need to address first.
Aren’t we human after all?
Yes! But why aren’t we humane?
Let’s make 2021 a year where we learn from our past mistakes and try to reform.
The vaccine is here and soon this virus is going to be wiped off but the burden-less values that we gained; back then are the ones that we need to carry.
After all, nothing can beat humanity.
It’s a fresh start.
Let go.
It’s time we paint the canvas with vibrant colours.🌈